It's easy to get married

Does that make you upset? I know if you have been on all the apps, events and dealing with aunties you may not feel like anything is easy. But connecting with love and getting married is easy once your stop tolerating nonsense.


"Why haven't I gotten married yet?"


If you've thought that question then this is your space for answers. This program takes  you deep to the root of your block.
I'll guide you to release all your barriers to love. The joyful loving relationship you're dreaming of is closer than you think. Below is what you can expect from "The Keys to Love" series.

Let me guide you to your dream relationship

You don't need to get on another app, or give the aunties your bio data, or to sit through another cringe worthy parent set up.  
You need to go deep to figure out: 
Why you keep attracting the same 'bad fit' guy
Why you can't get over a previous heartbreak
Why no matter how much you compromise it always falls apart
Why they start out interested then ghost you
In this series I'll lead you to those answers.


The Content  

Over 12 weeks you'll get sessions that will walk you through all the challenges in getting married. 

Including bonuses it's over 16 hours of content! 

You'll be given the the tools, guidance and shifts needed in order to connect with love and create an amazing marriage! 



Not a typical Islamic lecture. Not a secular session with tips to make your more desirable. You're getting Islamically grounded spiritual mindset and heartset shifts so you can connect with love! 

Program Overview

This coaching program is designed to guide you step by step to get into a healthy, loving, supportive marriage- one where you feel excited and blessed each day you wake up next to your dream spouse.

Below is an overview of the 12 core modules. One module is released each week and you have a guided workbook so you can do all the exercises easily. 

After the first 3 sessions you will have more clarity on what you want and the confidence to ask for it. 

After these four sessions you will break out of your patterns and begin connecting with better fits. 

After these two sessions you will understand exactly your role and Allah's role in building the marriage you want. You'll have clarity and excitement to do your part.   

The final session and the bonuses will leave you feeling calm and eager for the future you are moving towards. You will feel deeply Allah's support and be better able to see and act on your divine guidance.  

BONUS:Get Married This Year Webinar

The mindset shifts need to connect with love ASAP

You need three things to get married. Learn what they are and how you can achieve it in 12 months or less. 

BONUS: Love Meditation

Islamic Meditation is a powerful practice. In this bonus guided meditation you will be able to tap into the loving relationship you desire.

Allowing you to get clarity and make more meaningful du'a.

Payment Options

8 Installments


10 monthly payments

  • 12 Keys to Love sessions

  • Guided workbook 
  • Bonus: Get Married This Year
  • Bonus: Love Meditation 
  • Bonus: 3 Q&A sessions 
Enroll now

Pay in Full


Single payment

  • 12 Keys to Love sessions

  • Guided workbook 

  • Bonus: Get Married This Year
  • Bonus: Love Meditation 
  • Bonus: 3 Q&A sessions 

Guided Workbook


Follow along with the program, get extra prompts and accelerate your shifts. 

What people are saying:

Get all 12 session + Bonuses   

Must enroll before first session on January 11th.

Enroll in all 12 Sessions









Don’t wait! Take control of your love life today.



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