Watch the replay of Food Freedom for Muslims


Live Free. Gain mastery over food.


Ramadan 365 is the world's first Islamic-based food freedom program. Food freedom means to put food in its rightful place: As a fuel to support us fulfill our Divine Purpose.

Food freedom enables you to build a healthy and life-long positive relationship with food so that you can focus your attention on your purpose. How can we serve Allah if we are constantly sick, in pain, weak, craving sugar, or have headaches from caffeine withdraws?

In 12 weeks, you'll experience total food freedom inshAllah! Islamic spirituality will transform your relationship with food. You will be able to eat and not eat any food on your own terms -- no more "irresistible foods". You’ll be amazed how your body changes and your connection to Allah increases. The light of faith can be amplified by eating food that makes us feel light. Join us as we set out to create an ummah that is healthy, wealthy, and in thriving relationships.

We make it nearly impossible to not reach your health goals

With our world class coaching, weekly coaching calls, a client success manager, and our proven four-phase system we make it nearly impossible to not come out of the program as a new healthier version of yourself. We believe so much in our system that we back by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. Here are the four phases and what expect from each.

Phase 1: Understanding your "food story"

The program starts exactly where you are at. We begin by coaching you how to become aware of your food story so far and how has that story affected your relationship with food. At the end of this phase, you will understand exactly why you eat what you eat, why you feel a certain way about food, and why do certain foods elicit certain feelings in you.

Phase 2: Food fact vs. food fiction

The diet industry is riddled with complicated and incorrect information about food -- that's why the average "diet" causes you to gain 3lbs. In this phase, we are going to look at the science and spirituality of food. You will be able to make decisions for yourself based facts not "food propaganda". In this phase we will introduce a simple principles based on our Prophet (PBUH) to help you start seeing benefits nutritious foods. You will also lean about the six hungers and how to address them in a spiritual and healthy manner. Clients at this stage already start experiencing greater energy levels, better focus, and lower negative food symptoms.

Phase 3: All systems check!

In this phase, we help our bodies reset their natural defense mechanism that have been neglected through decades of eating food void of nutrients. We will experiment with the impact major foods have on our well-being. You will use the mindfulness techniques from Phase 1 to document how your body responds to various foods. We use a scientific approach so you can clearly see how your body feels when eating the right foods. In this phase you will experience rapid weight release, clear skin, deeper sleep and vivid dreams.

Phase 4: Food freedom for life

In this final phase, we will craft your food routine that is specific for you and your life. We have a proven system to make it impossible to not consistently eat what you love, feels good to you, and nourishes your body and spirit. During this phase we will introduce the prophetic diet. Many people fail at implementing the prophetic diet because they have a fraught relationship with food. However, you have spent 3 phases already strengthening your relationship with food which will make this transition natural. By the end of this phase, you will have built your perfect diet and have all the tools to maintain it. During this phase you will approach your ideal weight, feel happy and comfortable with your food choices (no more guilt!), and will likely look a few years younger than when you started!

Program Details

12 week premium coaching program

  • 1 live group coaching call a week
  • 12 weeks of recorded lessons
  • Food Relationship sessions
  • Mindset/Spiritual sessions
  • Dedicated client success manager 
  • Voice note and text message access

Here's what happened to us!

When we learned to think differently about food it changed how we approached food and what we ate. We initially noticed internal changes, spiritual shifts. Then we saw physical results. Eat to live, don't live to eat- the shift is transformative. 

Here's what happened to out clients

Overview of Training Program

Call To Action

Things You Should Know About Ramadan365

This is NOT a temporary detox or short-term cleanse.

Ramadan365 aims to help you make a lifestyle change and not just a quick fix


You’ll never be hungry.

You know those programs that try to teach how to endure deprivation? This is not one of those. You’ll be satisfied every single day.


We won’t sugarcoat it: This won’t always be easy.

Some changes will feel effortless and others will really challenge you. This is why the community and coaching support are so invaluable. You’ll be supported every step.


There are no special foods to purchase.

Ramadan365 does not ask you to purchase “special foods” or “energy shakes” to complete the journey. All the foods you’ll be eating can be commonly found at your local supermarket.


This is so much more than a food program.

Ramadan365 is also a major personal development journey. You’ll walk away with greater clarity about yourself, why you’ve made the choices you have, and how to create sustainable change in your life (inside and outside the kitchen).

Hear what our clients have to say:

We create programs and provide tools that lead to transformation


"The program was life changing. As someone that has struggled an entire lifetime of yo yo dieting and weight loss, this program really helped shift my relationship with food. The changes to my nutrition were gradual, which made it achievable to integrate to my daily life. Over time, I noticed that I was more energized, felt stronger and all around more alive. There were times in the program where it got really challenging, but James and Zahra were consistently there to encourage and motivate me to keep going - wouldn't have been able to do it without their support. 

Completing a program like this felt impossible and I was seeing results week after week, it made me realize that if I can do this...what else can i achieve in my life if I adopt the same principles and lessons I learned from the program. 

Highly recommend this program as it has forever impacted my life and helped me achieve something that felt impossible. "


What have you got to lose?

So here’s our questions for you. What do you have to lose? With the guarantee we offer, why not give Ramadan365 a try and see if you are the next success story.


Our Money Back Guarantee

We firmly believe that Ramadan365 will help you meet (and exceed!) your health goals. However, if you complete 80% of the program and are not happy with your results, we’ll be happy to offer you a full refund.

Frequently Asked Questions

Meet Your Coaches

Zahra Aljabri is a spiritual coach, writer, award-winning entrepreneur, wife and mother of four. Zahra empowers successful, bold Muslims to apply the insight of Islam into their day-to-day life. Supporting those who aim to evolve and transform, into the next-level version of themselves. She equips these talented and ambitious leaders to step into the power that is hidden within them.

James Faghmous, Ph.D.  Prior to starting Limitless Love, James was an award-winning scientist, researcher, and speaker having lectured on every continent on artificial intelligence, machine learning, and entrepreneurship.  James’ life goal is help Muslims live beyond a mediocre job and average life to help create the Muslim Serena Williams, Steve Jobs, or J.K Rowling — generational defining talent that uses Islam as a source of inspiration to do more as opposed to settle for less.

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