Identify and marry your ideal spouse

This is the exact playbook we used to get and stay married for 15 years

The majority of Muslims divorce because of an issue that was obvious during courtship but they chose to ignore it -- what you ignore at the beginning is why you leave at the end.

This book will make sure you don't settle or waste months talking to a poor fit.

This is the ultimate courtship guide to help you go from "Salaam" to "I Do" in record time with full confidence in your decision and in Allah's support


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We’ve been featured in Vogue!

You don't want to just get married. 

If that was the case you could have gotten married a long time ago.

You want a loving, healthy, strong, supportive, fun marriage.

Well just like 6-pack abs a great marriage just doesn't happen when two people say 'I do'.

A wonderful successful marriage has to be set up and nurtured in the right way- this guide book shows you *exactly* how to do that! 

Happy Customers

You've been heartbroken

They seemed great, you shared deeply, you got invested and it all fell apart.

You prayed. You compromised. You tried.

What went wrong? Why didn't it work? When will it happen for me?

Going over everything in your mind trying to understand where the cracks were. Really trying to figure out - How could I have avoided this?

What if you could? What if you could avoid the emotional roller coster to nowhere? What would that be worth to you?

It doesn't have to be this way

You could have a framework. You could be coached through getting clear on your vision, understanding whats critical (vs. whats nice to have) and what to listen for in conversations. You could have confidence and clarity. You can make a decision within a few months. 

The Ultimate Marriage Guidebook 


Written by Spiritual Relationship Coaches Zahra Aljabri and James Faghmous. They are the creators of the transformational Limitless Love coaching program and have been married for 15 years. 

This guidebook comes with over 2 hours of recorded Q&A addressing everything to help you identify and let go of incompatible fits quickly. And more importantly build the deep, meaningful connection that will set the foundation for a supportive, passionate marriage with the right fit. 

Get Instant Access for $12.99

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What's Inside?


Getting started

What's the purpose of marriage

  • What's the purpose of marriage

  • How to cultivate real love in your relationships

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Prepare for success

#1 reason marriages fail

  • Understand the mistake the leads to divorce

  • Learn how to avoid this mistake and set yourself up for love 

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Diving Deep

10 most important questions to ask

  • Discover the critical questions that can determine compatibility

  • Get over 150 additional questions to develop a strong foundation with your future spouse.
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Step up 

Grow from man to husband 

  • Guidance to make a smooth transition into a partner whose truly ready to give and receive love
  • Embody the teachings of Muhammad (pbuh) to support and care for a wife without feeling overwhelmed or burdened 
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Clear guidance 

Step-by-step framework 

  • Coach yourself though the courtship process and eliminate bad fits quickly and confidently 
  • Unlearn fairytale fantasies that have distorted our view of marriage
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